Software to calculate the cost of elevators and any other type of assembled installation costs

Software to calculate the cost of elevator systems or any other type of assembled installation.
Prepare the offer for sale an elevator system or lift components or to make the maintenance of an installation, it is always a challenging job and that takes time, it is also known that more than 10% of the offers made is successful, therefore it becomes a not very remunerative job.
Montano Engineering has developed a software for the cost calculation of lift, in order to achieve quick offers.
It is completely customizable according to your needs and it is divided into components so that you can also calculate the cost of a single component, for example, the mechanical part, or only the maintenance.
It has been developed for the elevator industry, but it can be used by any industry that involves the purchasing of components and their assembly for the manufacture or maintenance of complete lift systems or part of them.
The experience of the Montano Engineering also allows the insertion into the software of your products, for which you need to consider the job costing, the cost of machinery amortization, the cost of services and everything that can affect the determination of the final actual cost of your products.
Concerning the use of the software, simply enter the general data of the lift on the main page you can see on side, then make the choices of the type of components and their quantity in the component pages (see example of the page with the data for the calculation of the mechanical part and the one with the data for the landing doors).
Now you have the cost of the lift installation and can automatically print orders to suppliers, or offer for your customer.
Easy to use, customizable, simple, made in Excel, so you can use it comfortably in your notebook.